Proc. of the European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), Vol. 3, pp. 1075-1078, Budapest, 1999
Effects of hoarseness on hypernasality ratings
S. Imatomi, T. Arai, Y. Mimura and M. Kato
Abstract: We investigated how hoarseness effects perceived hypernasality ratings in order to make a rating scale for hoarse voices. Thirty stimuli, of which 18 were target stimuli (three each for voices with and without hoarseness at three levels of hypernasality), and of which 12 were foil stimuli. These voices were listened to by four experienced speech pathologists. They were asked to rate hypernasality on 5-point scale. Perceived hypernasality decreased with hoarseness for a severely hypernasal voice, but results varied among the listeners for voices with no and moderate hypernasality.
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