Proc. of the European Conf. on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech), Vol. 1, pp. 473-476, Aalborg, 2001

The relation between speech intelligibility and the complex modulation spectrum

S. Greenberg and T. Arai

Abstract: The amplitude and phase components of the modulation spectrum were dissociated in order to ascertain the importance of cross-spectral, envelope-modulation phase information for understanding spoken language. The dissociation was effected via local time reversals of the speech waveform (i.e., flipping the signal on its horizontal axis) at intervals ranging between 0 and 180 ms. Intelligibility declines progressively as the length of the time-reversed segment increases,down to an asymptotic trough in performance at 100 ms (4% of the words correct). Intelligibility does not correlate highly with the amplitude component of the modulation spectrum, but does coincide closely with the contour of the complex modulation phase and the conventional (amplitude-based) modulation spectrum into a unified representation. The results imply that intelligibility is based on both the phase and amplitude components of the modulation spectrum.

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