Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 304-314, 2003 (in Japanese)
Effects of hoarseness on ratings of hypernasality: Source-filter-theory approach
S. Imatomi, T. Arai and M. Kato
Abstract: The effects of hoarseness on ratings of hypernasality were examined by the perceptual experiment using synthesized stimuli. Twenty-four kinds of stimuli were synthesized by combining 6 sources (normal, moderate roughness, and severe roughness~2 (/a/,/i/)),and 4 filters (severe hypernasality and normal ~2 (/a/,/i/)), based on source-filter theory. Four experienced speech pathologists rated the severity of hypernasality of the stimuli using a 5-point equal-appearing interval scale. Results revealed that severely rough voices were rated lower in hypernasality than normal or moderately rough.
Keywords: hypernasality, hoarseness, rating of hypernasality, source-filter theory
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