Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 344-348, 2006 (Invited Review)

Demonstrations for education in acoustics in Japan

T. Arai, F. Satoh, A. Nishimura, K. Ueno and K. Yoshihisa

Abstract: Many demonstrations for education in acoustics have been developed in Japan as well as outside the country. Since 1997, the Technical Committee on Education in Acoustics of the Acoustical Society of Japan has been investigating and discussing education in acoustics in Japan. In this review, some of the educational tools and demonstrations in acoustics are introduced. They are all designed to help us visualize and hear different phenomena and to understand abstract theories in a more intuitive way. The work that has been carried out includes some exciting demonstrations in acoustics by the high-school physics teachers' ``Stray Cats Group,'' some visual and aural demonstrations for architectural acoustics, a technical course called ``Technical Listening Training,'' a WWW-based training system, and physical models of the human vocal tract.

Keywords: Education in acoustics, Demonstration, Visualization, Auralization

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