Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2005-184, pp. 1-4, 2006
Evaluation of critical-band compression technique compensating for the wider auditory filter in the simulated environment of sensorineural hearing loss
K. Yasu, T. Arai and M. Shindo
Abstract: In this study, we focused on 1) the simulation of hearing impairment and 2) evaluation of the processing for improving speech intelligibility of hearing-impaired people or elderly people by ``critical-band compression'' (Yasu et al., 2004). This technique compensates for the wider auditory filter. We conducted the word intelligibility test for the evaluation of the technique in the simulated environment of sensorineural hearing loss. Four subjects were participated in this experiment (three males and one female) . The results showed that the word intelligibility was similar to that of sever hearing-impaired people in previous study by Yasu et al. (2005) .
Keywords: hearing impairment, hearing aids, auditory filter, simulation of hearing loss, critical-band compression, speech intelligibility
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