Proc. of DSPS Educators Conference, pp. 55-58, 2006
The implementation of Digital Pattern Playback on DSP
K. Ohta, T. Arai and K. Yasu
Abstract: This paper describes the implementation of a digital signal processing technique on DSP. This technique aims to reconstruct a speech from the visual representation of the speech. Techniques for inversion, know as the Pattern Playback problem, have been studied for the analysis, the transformation, and the resynthesis of sound. This project tried to play back a spectrogram of a line along the time axis, as a simple example. In this paper, the history of Pattern Playback is described first, and the principles of the method to be implemented on DSP are explained next, and details of the implementation are discussed. Finally, the result of this project and the work to be done in the future are considered.
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