Improving Speech Intelligibility in Reverberant Environments
In public spaces (e.g. multiple-purpose halls, train stations and
airports) where public address systems transmit speech signals via loudspeakers,
we receive the speech signals with reverberation. It is sometimes difficult to
understand speech in such reverberant environments, especially for people with
hearing impairments, elderly people, and non-native listeners. Reverberation
masks speech segments that follows (i.e. overlap-masking (Nabelek et al., 1989)), and this degrades speech intelligibility. It is pointed out
that when a previous segment has strong energy (e.g. a vowel), the following
segments (e.g. a consonant) can be significantly smeared in reverberation (Arai
et al., 2001, 2002). When we compare
an original and a reverberant speech signals in Figure 1, we can see the
envelope of the reverberant speech signal is smeared by
Figure 1. Original (left) and reverberant (right) speech signals
The goal of this study is to achieve “barrier-free listening
environments” in reverberant environments, which means providing intelligible
speech signals not only for young people but for elderly people, people with
hearing impairments and non-native listeners in public spaces. We have studied
this from two approaches: the public address system side and the talker side
(See Figure 2).
Figure 2. Two approaches to provide “barrier-free listening
As an approach of the public address system side, we have proposed
“pre-processing” (i.e. processing a speech signal before we send it from
loudspeakers). Pre-processing might be beneficial in public spaces where
different kind of people listen to speech signals because we don’t need to
attach special listening devices to reduce the effect of reverberation.
We have proposed two pre-processing approaches: modulation filtering
(e.g. Kusumoto et al., 1999, 2005)
and steady-state suppression (Arai et
al., 2001, 2002; Hodoshima et
al., 2006). Modulation filtering alters the temporal dynamics of speech
(i.e. temporal modulation). This approach enhances particular low-frequency
components of the temporal modulation (i.e. below 16Hz) which are important for
speech perception (Houtgast and Steeneken, 1985).
Steady-state suppression effectively suppresses steady-state portions
of speech (e.g. vowel nuclei) that have high energy in order to reduce
overlap-masking (See Figure 3). The information in steady-state portions of a
speech signal is relatively unimportant compared to transitions (Furui, 1986),
therefore this approach can minimize the effect of overlap-masking without
degrading speech intelligibility as much as possible.
Figure 3. Original (left) and steady-state suppressed (right) signals
of the word /aka/
As an approach of the talker side, we have studied speech signals
which are robust to reverberation. Speech intelligibility changes by talkers as
well as by speaking style (e.g. clear, conversational) or speaking rate (slow,
normal, fast) within an individual talker. This approach seeks characteristics
of intelligible speech signals as well as the effect of clear speech and slowed
speaking rate in reverberation (e.g. Hodoshima et al., 2007).
Major findings
Different public spaces have different room conditions, and the
optimum approach would be different in different public spaces. So, we have
studied from the public address system side and the talker side under various
listening conditions.
Below are our major findings:
1) The public address system side
- Modulation filtering improved consonant identification for young
people with normal hearing in reverberation (Kusumoto et al., 2005).
- People with severe hearing loss preferred processed speech signals
by modulation filtering as easier to hear compared to unprocessed speech signals
in reverberation (Kusumoto et al.,
1999, 2000).
- Steady-state suppression significantly improved consonant
identification (e.g. Arai et al.,
2007; Hodoshima et al., 2005,
2006, 2008a; Miyauchi et al., 2005;
Nakata et al.,
- both in simulated reverberant environments and in a lecture hall
(reverberation times of 0.7-1.3 s),
- both for young people with normal hearing and for elderly
- in both normal and slowed speaking rate.
2) The talker side (Hodoshima et al., 2007,
- "Clear" speech had higher speech intelligibility than
"conversational" speech by grouping young listeners' hearing impression of
speech signals uttered by talkers who were told as if they spoke in
Future works
We believe that our research contributes to realizing “barrier-free
listening environment” for elderly people, people with hearing-impairment and
non-native listeners as well as designing an algorithm for hearing aids
(Kobayashi et al.,
Speech demos (to be updated soon)
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