Arai Laboratory (Speech Communication Laboratory)
What's New
�EDr. Volker Dellwo will be giving a talk on January 20th, 2020. (update on January 15th)
�EA doctoral defence will be held. (updated on January 6th)
�EEncyclopedia of Bioacoustics was published. (updated on November 13th)
�EThe 64th meeting of Japan Society Logopedics Phoniatrics. (updated on November 13th)
�EProf. Arai lectured on speech science at Yokohama kyoritsu gakuen high school. (update on September 19th)
�EHomepage of "Eigo de asobo with Orton" was renewed. (update on September 18th)
�EProf. Arai was awarded a patent for vocal tract model. (update on September 18th)
�EMr. Benjamin Lindquist will be giving a talk on July 23th, 2019. (update on July 8th)
�EShake Hands carries the article about the research of Prof. Arai. (update on July 3rd)

What's New (Continued...) >
Research Areas: Speech Communication

The series of events involved in speech communication is called �gSpeech Chain,�h and it is a basic concept in the speech and hearing sciences. We focus on research related to speech communication. The fields of this research are wide-ranging, and our interests include the following interdisciplinary areas:
- education in acoustics (e.g., physical models of human vocal tract),
- acoustic phonetics,
- speech and hearing sciences,
- speech production,
- speech analysis and speech synthesis,
- speech signal processing (e.g., speech enhancement),
- speech / language recognition and spoken language processing,
- speech perception and psychoacoustics,
- acoustics for speech disorders,
- speech processing for hearing impaired,
- speaker characteristics in speech, and
- real-time signal processing using DSP processors.

Takayuki ARAI, Ph.D.
Dept. of Information and Communication Sciences
Sophia University
7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8554 JAPAN