- 1) M. Komatsu, K. Mori, T. Arai, M. Aoyagi and Y.
Murahara, ``Human language identification with reduced segmental
information,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 143-153, 2002.
[PDF (1,906 kB)]
- 2) T. Arai, K. Kinoshita, N. Hodoshima, A.
Kusumoto and T. Kitamura, ``Effects of suppressing steady-state
portions of speech on intelligibility in reverberant environments,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 229-232, 2002.
[PDF (1,335 kB)]
- 3) K. Kinoshita, D. Behne and T. Arai, ``Duration and F0 as perceptual cues to Japanese vowel quantity,'' Proc. of the International Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), pp. 757-760, Denver, 2002.
[PDF (243 kB)]
- 4) M. Komatsu, S. Tokuma, W. Tokuma and T. Arai,
``Multi-dimensional analysis of sonority: Perception, acoustics, and
phonology,'' Proc. of the International Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), pp. 2293-2296, Denver, 2002.
[PDF (267 kB)]
- 5) T. Arai, ``An effective method for education
in acoustics and speech science: Integrating textbooks, computer
simulation and physical models,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (511 kB)]
- 6) N. Saika, E. Maeda, N. Usuki, T. Arai and Y.
Murahara, ``Developing mechanical models of the human vocal tract for
education in speech science,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (70 kB)]
- 7) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and A. Kusumoto,
``Enhancing temporal dynamics of speech to improve intelligibility in
reverberant environments,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (50 kB)]
- 8) T. Aoki, M. Komatsu, T. Arai and Y. Murahara,
``Temporal envelope modulation using syllable search method for robust
language identification,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (104 kB)]
- 9) K. Yasu, K. Kobayashi, K. Shinohara, M.
Hishitani, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Critical-band compression method
for digital hearing aids,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (275 kB)]
- 10) T. Doi, T. Ishida, T. Goto, T. Miyoshi, T.
Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Discrimination of speech from environmental
noises using the modulation cepstrum,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (349 kB)]
- 11) S. Imatomi and T. Arai, ``The relation between perceived hypernasality of speech and its hoarseness,'' Proc. of the Forum Acusticum Sevilla, 2002.
[PDF (43 kB)]
- 12) Y. Konno, J. Cao, T. Arai and A. Cichocki,
``Auditory evoked fields (AEF) like synthesized MEG data decomposition
and localization,'' Proc. of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA), pp. 379-382, Xi'an, 2002.
[PDF (194 kB)]
- 13) H. Takaho, T. Arai, T. Otake and M. Tanaka, ``Prediction of the next stock price using neural network for data mining,'' Proc. of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA), pp. 411-414, Xi'an, 2002.
[PDF (80 kB)]
- 14) K. Yasu, K. Kobayashi, K. Shinohara, M.
Hishitani, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Frequency compression of critical
band for digital hearing aids,'' Proc. of China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics, pp. 159-162, Nanjing, 2002.
[PDF (111 kB)]
- 15) E. Maeda, N. Usuki, T. Arai, N. Saika and Y.
Murahara, ``The importance of physical models of the human vocal tract
for education in acoustics in the digital era,'' Proc. of China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics, pp. 163-166, Nanjing, 2002.
[PDF (343 kB)]
- 16) T. Miyoshi, T. Goto, T. Doi, T. Ishida, T.
Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Modulation cepstrum discriminating between
speech and environmental noise,'' Proc. of China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics, pp. 191-194, Nanjing, 2002.
[PDF (154 kB)]
- 17) N. Hodoshima, T. Inoue, T. Arai, A. Kusumoto
and K. Kinoshita, ``Suppressing steady-state portions of speech for
improving intelligibility in various reverberant environments,'' Proc. of China-Japan Joint Conference on Acoustics pp. 199-202, Nanjing, 2002.
[PDF (48 kB)]
- 18) T. Arai, E. Maeda, N. Saika and Y. Murahara,
``Physical models of the human vocal tract as tools for education in
acoustics,'' Proc. of the First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, 2002.
[PDF (135 kB)]
- 19) E. Maeda, T. Arai, N. Saika and Y. Murahara,
``Lab experiment using physical models of the human vocal tract for
high-school students,'' Proc. of the First Pan-American/Iberian Meeting on Acoustics, Cancun, 2002.
[PDF (154 kB)]
- 20) Y. Kaneko, T. Sugawara, T. Arai, K. Okazaki
and K. Iitaka, ``Categorical perception of Japanese geminate consonant
/Q/ in children: Its developmental relations with reading its kana
letter,'' Joint Conf. of the IX International Congress for the Study of Child Language and the Symposium on Research in Child Disorders, p.145, Madison, 2002.
[PDF (38 kB)]
- 21) M. Komatsu and T. Arai, ``Acoustic realization of prosodic types: Constructing average syllables,'' Meeting Handbook of the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS) Forum, p. 39, 2002.
[PDF (82 kB)]
- 22) M. Hishitani, K. Kobayashi, K. Shinohara, K. Yasu and T. Arai, ``Compressing critical bands for digital hearing aids,'' Handbook of the International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), pp. 64-65, Lake Tahoe, 2002.
[PDF (59 kB)]
- 23) O. Fukazawa, M. Shindo, T. Arai and K. Kaga, ``Roujin-sei nanchou-sha no go-on no choushu ni kansuru kenkyuu,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 191, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (54 kB)]
- 24) R. Watanabe, K. Iitaka, K. Okazaki, K. Ooishi
and T. Arai, ``Nihon-go youon no chikaku to yomi ni kansuru
hattatsu-teki kenkyuu,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 196, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (55 kB)]
- 25) Y. Kaneko, K. Okazaki, K. Iitaka and T. Arai,
``Youji no sokuon no choukaku-benbetsu ni kansuru kiso-teki kenkyuu:
Kotoba no kyoushitsu ni kayou jidou no 2 jirei,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 206, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (52 kB)]
- 26) S. Imatomi, T. Arai, N. Saika and M. Kato, ``Kaibisei no choukaku-hantei ni okeru sasei no eikyou,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 211, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (55 kB)]
- 27) Y. Murahara, K. Sakamoto, H. Kanai and T.
Arai, ``A Study on the estimating of a vessel condition by analysing
pulsatile blood pressure waveform,'' Proc. Japan Soc. ME & BE, p. 385, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (167 kB)]
- 28) Y. Murahara, K. Sakamoto, H. Kanai and T. Arai, ``Junkan-kei model ni yoru ketsuatsu-myakuha no kaiseki,'' Japanese Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 32, Suppl., p. 114, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (53 kB)]
- 29) N. Kanedera, T. Arai, K. Okada and Y.
Momomura, ``Continuous speech recognition based on the contribution of
modulation frequency components,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2002-64, pp. 41-46, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (651 kB)]
- 30) N. Hodoshima, T. Inoue, T. Arai, K. Kinoshita
and A. Kusumoto, ``Suppressing steady-state portions of speech for
improving intelligibility as pre-processing: Under various reverberant
environments,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2002-65, pp. 47-51, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (422 kB)]
- 31) K. Yasu, M. Hishitani, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Critical-band compression algorithms for digital hearing aids,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2002-102, pp. 41-45, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (430 kB)]
- 32) T. Kitamura, T. Arai and P. Connors, ``A
study on education tools with an animated talking agent for the hearing
impaired,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2002-113, pp. 27-32, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (952 kB)]
- 33) H. Takaho, T. Arai, T. Otake and M. Tanaka,
``Prediction of the next stok price using neural network: Extraction
the feature to predict next stock price by filtering,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. NLP2002-80, pp. 13-16, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (231 kB)]
- 34) N. Kanedera, M. Kamai, T. Arai, K. Okada and
Y. Momomura, ``A speech recognition feature based on the contribution
of modulation frequency components,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 3-4, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (143 kB)]
- 35) K. Okada, T. Arai, N. Kanedera, Y. Momomura
and Y. Murahara, ``Selective usage of features for automatic speech
recognition using the modulation Wavelet transform of noise,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 169-170, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (167 kB)]
- 36) M. Yoshida, N. Usuki, T. Arai, Y. Murahara
and T. Sugawara, ``A challenge for visualizing vocal tract resonance:
Devising a tool for acoustic education in speech science,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 399-400, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (257 kB)]
- 37) T. Arai, ``Incorporating more intuitive acoustic education into speech science,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 2, pp. 1219-1220, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (183 kB)]
- 38) K. Asai, K. Okada, T. Arai, N. Kanedera, Y.
Momomura and Y. Murahara, ``Modulation wavelet transform as a feature
for automatic speech recognition: The effect of division in the
modulation domain,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 155-156, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (150 kB)]
- 39) K. Yasu, M. Hishitani, T. Arai, Y. Murahara
and K. Shinohara, ``Critical-band compression in the frequency domain
for digital hearing aids,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 379-380, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (146 kB)]
- 40) Y. Murahara, T. Ishida, T. Arai and H. Kanai, ``Audible method for blood pressure wave,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 2, pp. 1227-1228, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (141 kB)]
- 41) T. Inoue, N. Hodoshima, T. Arai, K. Kinoshita
and A. Kusumoto, ``Improvement of speech intelligibility under various
reverberant environments by the steady-state suppression,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 377-378, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (162 kB)]
- 42) E. Maeda, T. Arai, N. Saika and Y. Murahara,
``Education in acoustics using mechanical models of the human vocal
tract in high school,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 1, pp. 299-300, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (181 kB)]
- 43) T. Ishida, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Analysis of low frequency noise using autoregressive model,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 2, pp. 817-818, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (140 kB)]
- 44) T. Arai, N. Saika, E. Maeda and Y. Murahara,
``Chiba-Kajiyama ni yoru seidou-mokei no fukugen to sono kyouzai to
shite no ouyou,'' Proc. of the General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, pp. 23-28, 2002 (in Japanese).
[PDF (392 kB)]