1) T. Arai, N. Hodoshima and K. Yasu, ``Using steady-state suppression to improve speech intelligibility in reverberant environments for elderly listeners,'' IEEE Trans. on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 1775-1780, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (851 kB)] [Errata]

2) N. Warner, T. Otake and T. Arai, ``Intonational structure as a word-boundary cue in Tokyo Japanese,'' Language and Speech, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 107-131, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,046 kB)]

3) H. Masuda and T. Arai, ``Processing of consonant clusters by Japanese native speakers: Influence of English learning backgrounds,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 320-327, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (168 kB)]

4) T. Arai, ``Masking speech with its time-reversed signal,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 188-190, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (106 kB)]

5) S. Okawa and T. Arai, ``Foreword to the special issue "Beginners' Seminar in the ASJ Journal",'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 449-450, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (989 kB)]

6) T. Arai, ``Mechanical vocal-tract models for speech dynamics,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 1025-1028, Makuhari, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,369 kB)]

7) T. Arai and N. Hodoshima, ``Enhanced speech yielding higher intelligibility for all listeners and environments,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 1620-1623, Makuhari, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,255 kB)]

8) H. Masuda and T. Arai, ``Perception of voiceless fricatives by Japanese listeners of advanced and intermediate level English proficiency,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 1866-1869, Makuhari, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (151 kB)]

9) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and K. Kurisu, ``Intelligibility of speech spoken in noise and reverberation,'' Proc. of the International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (612 kB)]

10) T. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, H. Tsuru, T. Arai and K. Nakadai, ``3D sound field recording and reproducing system including sound source orientation,'' Proc. of the International Universal Communication Symposium, pp. 214-219, Beijing, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,766 kB)]

11) H. Masuda and T. Arai,, ``Preliminary study of the perception of English consonants by Japanese learners of English,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 449-452, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (166 kB)]

12) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Investigation on speaker characteristics that appear on the spectra of each phoneme and their change over time,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 489-492, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (314 kB)]

13) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, ``Identification of voiceless fricative/affricate continuum by elderly listeners: Comparison with young listeners,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 609-612, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (328 kB)]

14) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Speading effect of cafe scientifique in science literacy and applications in education in acoustics,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1475-1478, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (277 kB)]

15) T. Arai and K. Amino, ``Proposing acoustic-phonetics demonstrations,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1479-1482, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (277 kB)]

16) K. Pek, T. Arai and N. Kanedera, ``Investigation on voice activity detection in music by using modulation spectrum,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 119-122, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (332 kB)]

17) M. Tsuji, T. Arai and N. Hodoshima, ``Simple automatic vowel detection method for improving speech intelligibility in reverberant environments,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 329-330, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (191 kB)]

18) H. Masuda and T. Arai,, ``Perception of English consonant clusters in quiet by Japanese native listeners with advanced and intermediate level English proficiency,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 379-382, 2010.
[Abstract] [PDF (126 kB)]

19) T. Igeta and T. Arai, ``On loanword pronunciation by Korean learners of Japanese: Influence on word recognition for native speakers of Japanese,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 383-386, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (322 kB)]

20) T. Endoh, T. Arai, K. Yasu, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo,, ``Relationship between spread of auditory filter bandwidth and speech discrimination/identification: Focus on the second formant near 2 kHz,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 493-496, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (241 kB)]

21) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, ``Discrimination and identification of voiceless fricatives/affricates by elderly listeners: Effect of degradation of auditory properties,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 497-500, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (392 kB)]

22) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and K. Kurisu, ``Speech spoken in noise and reverberation improves word intelligibility,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 521-524, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (665 kB)]

23) T. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, T. Arai, H. Tsuru, K. Nakadai and Y. Hasegawa, ``Wave acoustic numerical simulation for sound source orientation estimation,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 595-598, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (1,607 kB)]

24) Y. Maeda, T. Arai and K. Yasu, ``Developing a sound source generation system of the vocal tract models for education in acoustics,"applications in education in acoustics,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1329-1332, 2010 (Student Presentation Award, in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (402 kB)]

25) K. Shiraishi, H. Sato, M. Ueda, S. Ueha, K. Nakamura, D. Koyama, Y. Yamasaki, Y. Oikawa, T. Arai, K. Itoh, S. Sakamoto, K. Taya, S. Sakamoto, K. Kurisu and H. Funaba, ``A trial for guideline of measuring method for older persons and persons with hearing disability: Development of evaluation method of personal speech recognition performance in daily life situation,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1355-1356, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (322 kB)]

26) Y. Yamabe, T. Arai, K. Yasu and K. Kurisu, ``Onsei teijou-bu yokuatsu-shori no riarutaimu-ka no tame no arugorizumu no kentou: Zankyou-kankyou-ka ni okeru onsei meiryou-do kaizen ni mukete,'' Proc. of DSPS Educators Conference, pp. 47-50, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (372 kB)]

27) T. Suzuki, T. Arai, H. Tsuru, H. Nakajima and K. Nakadai, ``Sound source orientation estimation using wave acoustic numerical simulation,'' Proc. of the Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (379 kB)]

28) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Electromagnetic oscillograph,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 66, No. 8, p. 404, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (595 kB)]

29) T. Arai, ``Hitachi Civic Center Science Museum,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 66, No. 10, p. 527, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (727 kB)]

30) T. Arai, ``Summary on the series of 'Exhibits and demonstrations on acoustics in science museums,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 66, No. 12, p. 623, 2010 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (129 kB)]