1) K. Tomaru and T. Arai, gDiscrimination of /ra/-/la/ speech continuum by native speakers of English under nonisolated conditions,h Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 251-259, Sept. 2014.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1250/ast.35.251
[Abstract] [PDF (318 kB)]

2) T. Igeta, M. Sonu and T. Arai, gSound change of /o/ in modern Seoul Korean: Focused on relations with acoustic characteristics and perception,h Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences, pp. 109-119, Sep 2014.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13064/KSSS.2014.6.3.109
[Abstract] [PDF (353 kB)]

3) T. Arai, gVocal-tract models and their educational applications for intuitive understanding of speech production,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 243-251, May 2014 (in Japanese, Invited Paper).
[Abstract] [PDF (1.62 MB)]

4) T. Arai, gAcoustic properties of Japanese /r/ sounds and acquisition of their articulation,h Japanese Journal of Communication Disorders, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 30-35, Apr. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (2.22 MB)]

5) K. Tomaru and T. Arai, gPerception of multiple series of English /ra/-/la/ continuum having different end frequencies of formant transitions,h Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 166-169, May 2014.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1250/ast.35.166
[Abstract] [PDF (385 kB)]

6) T. Iwanami, T. Arai, K. Yasu and K. Tomaru, gEfficiency of sound masking system for elderly people with degraded auditory properties,h Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 35, No. 5, 275-278, Sept. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (449 kB)]

7) M. Kasuya and T. Arai, gPronunciation of German suffixes by German learners of Japanese: The effect of vowel reduction on learners' speech production and its application to the phonetic education,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 277-280, May 2014 (in Japanese). 
[Abstract] [PDF (911 kB)]

8) H. Masuda, T. Arai and S. Kawahara, gIdentification of English consonants in intervocalic contexts in multispeaker babble noise by Japanese listeners: Correlation between English proficiency and consonant identification ability,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 284-287, May 2014 (in Japanese). 
[Abstract] [PDF (813 kB)]

9) K. Amino, T. Arai, K. Nakamura, A. Nishimura and S. Yokoyama, gExhibition at `Science Square' hosted by National Museum of Nature and Science,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 296-298, May 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (2.97 MB)]

10) K. Ashihara, T. Arai and A. Nishimura, gActivities of education in acoustics in recent international conferences,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 309-314, May 2014 (in Japanese). 
[Abstract] [PDF (1.13 MB)]

11) I. Wilson, translated from English into Japanese by T. Arai, M. Ishida and A. Mizoguchi, gUsing ultrasound for teaching and researching articulation,h Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. 70, No. 5, pp. 560-564, May 2014.        @
original paper DOI= http://doi.org/10.1250/ast.35.285
translated paper  [PDF (656 kB)]

12) T. Arai, gRetroflex and bunched English /r/ with physical models of the human vocal tract,h Proc. of the INTERSPEECH, pp. 706-710, Singapore, Sep. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF(838 kB)]

13) F. Satoh, T. Arai and A. Nishimura, gHistory and activities of the Research Committee on Education in Acoustics in ASJ,h Proc. of the Forum Acusticum, Krakow, Sep. 2014 (Invited Talk).
[Abstract] [PDF]

14) T. Arai, gPerceptual cues of Japanese /r/ sounds: Formant transitions vs. intensity dip,h Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon), p. 71, Tokyo, Jul. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (109 kB)]

15) E. Yanagisawa and T. Arai, gEffects of a formant transition of preceding vowel off-glide on perception of Japanese geminate consonant Sokuon,h Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon), p. 165, Tokyo, Jul. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF(111 kB)]

16) M. Ishida and T. Arai, gMisperception of connected speech by Japanese learners of English at elementary, intermediate, and advanced levels,h AILA World Congress, Brisbane, Aug. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (150 kB)]

17) M. Ishida, A. G. Samuel and T. Arai, gPerception of locally time-reversed words and pseudowords,h Psychonomic Society's Annual Meeting, Long Beach, Nov. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (342 kB)]

18) T. Arai, gSpeech analysis using physical models of the human vocal tract,h Adventures in Speech Science, p. 9-10, Tokyo, Jul. 2014. 
 [Abstract] [PDF (1.02 MB)]

19) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and K. Kurisu, gSignal processing and speech production approaches towards intelligible spoken announcements in public spaces,h Trans. on Tech. Comm. on Architectural Acoustics, The Acoustical Society of Japan, Vol. AA2014-41, pp. 1-8, Nov. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF]

20) T. Arai, gAcoustic properties of Japanese /r/ sounds and acquisition of their articulation,h Meeting of Japanese Association of Communication Disorders, pp.30-35, 2014 (in Japanese, Invited Talk, The talk was presented in 2013). [Abstract] [PDF (3.86 MB)]

21) K. Tsuchiya, H. Yoshihata, M. Shindo, T. Arai and H. Miyakoda, gShitsugoshou-sha ni okeru heijo-bun/gimon-bun intonation-ninchi ni kansuru kenkyuu: Accent-gata ni yoru hikaku,h Meeting of Japanese Association of Communication Disorders, No.40, J-3, p. 86, May 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (152 kB)]

22) T. Kimura and T. Arai, gPercepsión del /y/ español pol parte de los hablantes nativos del japonés,h Congreso de la Asociación Japonesa de Hispanitas, Osaka, Oct. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF]

23) A. Yanagibashi, N. Hodoshima and T. Arai, gThe steady-state suppression for improving speech intelligibility in reverberant environment: The relation between speech intelligibility and mora position/ suppression rate of vowel,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 376-378, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (452 kB)]

24) T. Igeta, N. Hodoshima and T. Arai, gLombard effect-based improvement in speech intelligibility in reverberant environments: Toward intelligible spoken announcements for non-native speakers of Japanese in public spaces,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 643-644, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (338 kB)]

25) T. Arai, gLearning acoustic phonetics by utilizing audio and visual information,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1423-1426, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese, Invited Talk).
[Abstract] [PDF (747 kB)]

26)M. Kasuya and T. Arai, gPerception of vowel reduction by Japanese German learners with different proficiency levels: Effect of learners' proficiency on vowel formant frequency and duration,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1435-1438, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (536 kB)]

27) A. Matsumoto and T. Arai, gThe influence of difference in spectrum of pseudo instruments on the pitch discrimination,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1441-1444, Mar. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (713 kB)]

28) C. Oda, T. Yamamoto, M. Murata, Y. Sato, K. Yasu and T. Arai, gApplication of delayed auditory feedback to clinical field: From laboratory to daily life,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp.  1467-1468, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese, Invited Talk).
[Abstract] [PDF (405 kB)]

29) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, gEffect of release burst on identification of fricatives/affricates: Comparison of young and elderly listeners,h Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1491-1494, Mar. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (315 kB)] 

30) A. Ota, T. Arai and K. Yasu, gEffect of speaking rate on word intelligibility of speech for outdoor mass notification,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 183-186, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (492 kB)]

31) H. Kawamoto, T. Arai, K. Amino and K. Yasu, gEffects of emotions on human speaker identification: Comparison of identification results and prosodic properties of the stimuli,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 211-214, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (627 kB)]

32) S. Sawai, T. Arai and K. Yasu, gWord intelligibility of speech with energetic masking on vowel or consonant,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 317-320, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (380 kB)]

33) T. Kimura and T. Arai, gInfluence of Japanese mora structure observed in Spanish pronunciation by Japanese learners of Spanish,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 403-404, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (276 kB)]

34) K. Tomaru and T. Arai, gDiscrimination and identification of Japanese /ba/-/da/ continuum within a sentence by Japanese-speaking listeners,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 489-492, Sep. 2014.
[Abstract] [PDF (244 kB)]

35) T. Igeta, N. Hodoshima and T. Arai, gLombard effect-based improvement in speech intelligibility in reverberant environments: Comparison between native and non-native speakers of Japanese,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 493-494, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (411 kB)]

36) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, gEffect of release burst on identification of fricatives/affricates for elderly listeners: Relationship between loudness recruitment,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 511-514, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (402 kB)]

37)K. Kurisu, Y. Kawashima, K. Yasu and T. Arai, gEstimating the listening difficulty rating by the likelihood obtained from the speech recognition engine `Julius' for outdoor mass notification speech,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1087-1088, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (256 kB)]

38) T. Arai, gProposing physical models of the human vocal tract as a bridge between acoustics and speech pathologists,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1565-1568, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (749 kB)]

39) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, gRelationship between auditory property and fricatives/affricates production and perception in elderly listeners,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1595-1598, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (345 kB)]

40) T. Arai, gLearning about acoustics and signal processing by synthesizing a melody using musical tones and singing,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1617-1620, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (387 kB)]

41) M. Kasuya and T. Arai, gProblems of pronunciation of vowel reduction in German songs by Japanese native speakers and its application to the singing education,h Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1621-1624, Sep. 2014 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (465 kB)]