1) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Speaker-dependent characteristics of the nasals,'' Forensic Science International, Vol. 185, Issues 1-3, pp. 21-28, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,927 kB)]

2) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Effects of linguistic contents on perceptual speaker identification: Comparison of familiar and unknown speaker identifications,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 89-99, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (176 kB)]

3) N. Hodoshima, P. Svensson and T. Arai, ``Comparison of consonant identification improvements by steady-state suppression via a loudspeaker system between with and without natural sounds from a talker in reverberation,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 59-62, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (105 kB)]

4) M. Komatsu and T. Arai, ``Modulation spectrum and rhythmic units of Japanese,'' Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 85-89, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,134 kB)]

5) T. Arai and S. Ueha, ``Foreword to the special issue on acoustic barrier-free topics,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 130-131, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (825 kB)]

6) T. Arai and K. Itoh, ``Barrier-free issues in speech communication,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 132-136, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (822 kB)]

7) Research Committee on Education in Acoustics, ``Report of questionnaires on education in acoustics and survey in Japanese universities,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 264-269, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (997 kB)]

8) T. Arai, ``Human-friendly speech technology,'' Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 25-30, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (7,499 kB)]

9) T. Arai, ``Sliding vocal-tract model and its application for vowel production,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 72-75, Brighton, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (912 kB)]

10) T. Arai, ``Simple physical models of the vocal tract for education in speech science,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 756-759, Brighton, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (957 kB)]

11) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Dialectal characteristics of Osaka and Tokyo Japanese: Analyses of phonologically identical words,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 2303-2306, Brighton, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (275 kB)]

12) N. Kobayashi, M. Shindo and T. Arai, ``Zatsuon-ka ni okeru shi-choukaku onsei-chikaku ni oyobosu shikaku-joho no eikyou,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 26, No. 3, p. 219, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (130 kB)]

13) N. Hodoshima, H. Masuda, K. Yasu and T. Arai, ``Development of scientific English learning materials in noise and reverberation,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2009-1, pp. 1-6, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (307 kB)]

14) T. Arai, ``Education in speech-related acoustics using physical models with simplification of vocal-tract shapes,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2009-2, pp. 7-12, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (394 kB)]

15) K. Matsui, K. Amino, T. Arai, C. Michimata and H. Kamata, ``Deliberations on speech perception experiments using binaural integration of phonemic and prosodic information,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2009-68, pp. 37-42, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (375 kB)]

16) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and K. Kurisu, ``Speaker variabilities of speech in noise and reverberation,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. SP2009-69, pp. 43-48, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (646 kB)]

17) T. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, K. Nakadai, T. Arai and Y. Hasegawa, ``The design of a directional sound source for numerical simulation based on wave acoustics,'' Technical Report of IEICE Japan, Vol. EA2009-36, pp. 109-114, 2009 (in Japanese). [Abstract] [PDF (599 kB)]

18) P. KimhuochCT. Arai, N. Kanedera and J. Yoshii, ``Voice activity detection by using modulation filtering and its multi-language comparison,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 133-136, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (264 kB)]

19) H. Masuda and T. Arai, ``Effect of consonant voicing on the vowel epenthesis of Japanese learners of English,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 397-400, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (312 kB)]

20) R. Kasuga, R. Kataoka, T. Arai, S. Imai and T. Kimura, ``Quantitative evaluation of hypernasality by acoustic analysis: The relationship with the perceptual evaluation of synthesized speech in children by speech therapists,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 401-404, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (237 kB)]

21) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Effects of the transmission systems on speaker individualities contained in the energy contours of speech,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 453-456, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (392 kB)]

22) T. Shinoda, T. Arai, K. Yasu and M. Hirozane, ``A trial system for sound pressure level measurement and speech recording in voice training,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 459-462, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (234 kB)]

23) T. Arai, C. Michimata and H. Kamata, ``Speech perception experiment using binaural integration of phonemic and prosodic information,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 579-582, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (386 kB)]

24) F. Satoh, H. Yano, H. Tachibana, K. Ueno, S. Yokoyama, S. Sakamoto, K. Nakamura and T. Arai, ``Demonstrations at the `SCIENCE-SQUARE' held by the National Museum of Nature and Science,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1385-1386, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (484 kB)]

25) T. Arai, ``Speech exhibition at a science museum,'' Proc. Spring Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1387-1390, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (360 kB)]

26) P. KimhuochCT. Arai, N. Kanedera and J. Yoshii, ``Voice activity detection by using modulation spectrum in noise: Investigation on speech frequency band and modulation frequency band,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 155-158, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (342 kB)]

27) H. Masuda and T. Arai, ``Degree of vowel epenthesis in Japanese-English bilinguals and English native speakers,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 421-424, 2009.
[Abstract] [PDF (303 kB)]

28) A. Chiba, T. Arai, K. Kurisu, N. Hodoshima and W. Yoshida, ``Improving speech intelligibility by preprocessing approach in reverberant environments: Investigation of effective processing for word perception,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 427-430, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (254 kB)]

29) W. Yoshida, N. Hodoshima and T. Arai, ``Evaluation of steady-state suppression for improving speech intelligibility in noisy and reverberant environments in the case of binaural hearing in 4-channel reverberant fields,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 431-432, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (277 kB)]

30) T. Shinoda, T. Arai, K. Yasu and M. Hirozane, ``System for sound pressure level measurement / recording of speech and its application to young normal speakers,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 435-438, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (265 kB)]

31) N. Hodoshima, T. Arai and K. Kurisu, ``The effect of noise and reverberation on speech production,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 587-590, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (388 kB)]

32) R. Takahashi, T. Arai, K. Yasu, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, ``Evaluation of formant transition expansion of plosives in young normal-hearing listeners in the simulated environment of hearing loss,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 593-596, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (2,462 kB)]

33) K. Matsui, K. Amino, T. Arai, C. Michimata and H. Kamata, ``Speech perception experiment using binaural integration of phonemic and prosodic information: Binaural asymmetry and selective interruption to the processing of the both types of the information,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 601-604, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (230 kB)]

34) T. Suzuki, H. Nakajima, T. Arai, K. Nakadai and Y. Hasegawa, ``The acoustic simulation of directivity by modeling the shape of a sound source with a finite difference method in time domain,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 821-824, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (1,956 kB)]

35) Y. Nakajima, T. Arai and K. Yasu, ``Evaluation of maskers for sound masking system considering real-time processing,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1145-1148, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (354 kB)]

36) K. Amino and T. Arai, ``Report on the contents and forms of the digital teaching materials for education in acoustics,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1331-1334, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (243 kB)]

37) K. Yasu, T. Arai, K. Kobayashi and M. Shindo, ``Identification of voiceless fricative/affricate continuum by young normal-hearing listeners in noise,'' Proc. Autumn Meet. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., pp. 1365-1368, 2009 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (534 kB)]

38) K. Takeuchi and T. Arai, ``Nihon-jin gakushuu-sha no furansu-go biboin seisei-ji no housaku: F1-henka wo motarasu chouon-houhou no kansatsu,'' On the Frontiers of Foreign Language Education: From four skills to intercultural communication, Foreign Language Teaching Association ed., pp. 99-108, Seibido, Tokyo, 2009 (in Japanese).