1) S. Greenberg and T. Arai, ``What are the essential cues for understanding spoken language?,'' IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol. E87-D, No. 5, pp. 1059-1070, 2004 (Invited Paper).
[Abstract] [PDF (1,385 kB)]

2) Y. Konno, J. Cao, T. Takeda, H. Endo, T. Arai and M. Tanaka, ``Evaluation of brain source separation for MEG data applying JADE, Fast-ICA and natural gradient-based algorithm with robust pre-whitening technique,'' Journal of Signal Processing, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 461-472, 2004 (Best Paper Award).
[Abstract] [PDF (1,119 kB)]

3) M. Irie, M. Shindo, N. Nagatsuka and T. Arai, ``The discrimination of pitch-accent in aphasic patients,'' Jpn. J. Commun. Disord., Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 165-171, 2004 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (603 kB)]

4) N. Hodoshima, T. Inoue, T. Arai, A. Kusumoto and K. Kinoshita, ``Suppressing steady-state portions of speech for improving intelligibility in various reverberant environments,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 58-60, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (61 kB)]

5) K. Yasu, M. Hishitani, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Critical-band based frequency compression for digital hearing aids,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 61-63, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (65 kB)]

6) E. Maeda, N. Usuki, T. Arai, N. Saika and Y. Murahara, ``Comparing the characteristics of the palate and cylinder type vocal tract models,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 64-65, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (81 kB)]

7) T. Miyoshi, T. Goto, T. Doi, T. Ishida, T. Arai and Y. Murahara, ``Modulation cepstrum discriminating between speech and environmental noise,'' Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 66-69, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (179 kB)]

8) M. Komatsu, T. Arai and T. Sugawara, ``Perceptual discrimination of prosodic types,'' Proc. of the International Conference: Speech Prosody, pp. 725-728, Nara, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (79 kB)]

9) T. Arai, K. Yasu and N. Hodoshima, ``Effective speech processing for various impaired listeners,'' Proc. of the International Congress on Acoustics, Vol. II, pp. 1389-1392, Kyoto, 2004 (Invited Paper).
[Abstract] [PDF (75 kB)]

10) T. Arai, ``Education in Acoustics using physical models of the human vocal tract,'' Proc. of the International Congress on Acoustics, Vol. III, pp. 1969-1972, Kyoto, 2004 (Invited Paper).
[Abstract] [PDF (113 kB)]

11) E. Maeda and T. Arai, ``Additional physical models of the human vocal tract as tools for education in language learning,'' Proc. of the International Congress on Acoustics, Vol. III, pp. 2321-2322, Kyoto, 2004 (Invited Demonstration).
[Abstract] [PDF (47 kB)]

12) N. Hodoshima, T. Goto, N. Ohata, T. Inoue and T. Arai, ``The effect of pre-processing for improving speech intelligibility in the Sophia University lecture hall,'' Proc. of the International Congress on Acoustics, Vol. III, pp. 2389-2392, Kyoto, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (126 kB)]

13) N. Hodoshima, T. Goto, N. Ohata, T. Inoue and T. Arai, ``The effect of pre-processing for improving speech intelligibility in the Sophia University lecture hall,'' Proc. of the International Symposium on Room Acoustics: Design and Science, Hyogo, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (222 kB)]

14) Y. Konno, J. Cao, T. Arai, T. Takeda and H. Endo, ``Independent source separation of MEG data and its evaluation,'' Proc. of the RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuit and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 395-398, Hawaii, 2004 (Student Paper Award).
[Abstract] [PDF (616 kB)]

15) K. Okada, T. Arai, N. Kanedera and K. Asai, ``Improvement of the modulation wavelet transform in ASR,'' Proc. of the RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuit and Signal Processing (NCSP), pp. 407-410, Hawaii, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (90 kB)]

16) T. Arai, ``History of Chiba and Kajiyama and their influence in modern speech science,'' Proc. of From Sound to Sense: 50+ Years of Discoveries in Speech Communication, pp. 115-120, Cambridge, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (95 kB)]

17) Y. Konno, J. Cao, T. Takeda, H. Endo, M. Tanaka and T. Arai, ``Elimination of brain noise from MEG data using ICA with robust pre-whitening technique,'' Proc. of the International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMAG), pp. 161-162, Boston, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (243 kB)]

18) M. Komatsu, T. Arai and T. Sugawara, ``Perceptual discrimination of prosodic types and their preliminary acoustic analysis,'' Proc. of the Interspeech, pp. 1280-1283, Jeju Island, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (125 kB)]

19) T. Arai, ``Formant shift in nasalization of vowels,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 115, No. 5, p. 2541, New York, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (35 kB)]

20) K. Yasu, K. Kobayashi, T. Arai, ``The modification of critical-band based frequency compression using cepstral analysis,'' Handbook of the International Hearing Aid Research Conference (IHCON), p. 55, Lake Tahoe, 2004 (Student Scholarship Award).
[Abstract] [PDF (32 kB)]

21) N. Warner, L. Butler and T. Arai, ``Intonation as a speech segmentation cue: Effects of speech style,'' Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Urbana, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (16 kB)]

22) Y. Hirano, M. Shiroma, M. Shindo, T. Arai and K. Kaga, ``Jinkou-naiji-souyou-ji no kouon: Onkyou-bunseki to choukaku-inshou wo moto ni (kenjou-ji to hikaku shite),'' The Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Vol. 45, No. 1, p. 39, 2004 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (50 kB)]

23) Y. Konno, J. Cao, T. Arai, T. Takeda and H. Endo, ``Decomposition of brain activities and its evaluation for MEG data,'' Proc. Japan Soc. ME & BE, p. 725, 2004 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (98 kB)]

24) M. Komatsu, T. Arai and T. Sugawara, ``Inritsu-ruikei-ron he no onkyou-teki apuroochi: Ongen-tokuchou no choushu ni yoru inritsu-ruikei no shikibetsu,'' Proc. of the General Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, pp. 83-88, 2004 (in Japanese).
[Abstract] [PDF (446 kB)]

25) T. Arai, ``Comparing tongue position of vowels in oral and nasal contexts,'' Sophia Symposium on New Technology and the Investigation of the Articulatory Process, pp. 33-49, Sophia University, 2004.
[Abstract] [PDF (1,608 kB)]